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  • Target Primary
  • Language English
  • Views 2,190
  • Comments 5







  1. libadmin April 16, 2018

    test message

  2. libadmin April 16, 2018

    The target of the program is exactly right. Those professional health workers and community health care workers work in elderly center, kindergartens or primary school. It is known that both elderly and children are at high risk to get acute respiratory disease. if they were taught the correct procedure of wearing mask by the participates, the chance of getting ARDS will decrease sharply. Thus, the program set the target as workers but not directly the children and elderly lead to the program much more effective in the prevention and control of the spread of acute respiratory diseases.

  3. libadmin April 16, 2018

    Nowadays, it is easy for us to know the kindergartens and elderly homes are the places that always have acute respiratory disease. The Department of Health suggest health workers who are working in these places should have the influenza vaccine injection in order to boost immune system. I think the workers not only need to have injection, but also learn how to protect themselves. Teaching the workers of keeping hygiene of hands and procedure of wearing mask can definitely improve their knowledge of how to protect themselves. Consequently, the workers may get away from the risks of having acute respiratory diseases.